Articles Tagged ‘ci’

Continuous Delivery with Bitbucket Cloud and Bitbucket Pipelines

Friday, July 1st, 2016

Atlassian has added a continuous integration service as a new feature to their Bitbucket Cloud product. It’s called Bitbucket Pipelines and it is similar to Travis CI for GitHub offering a nice integration for continuous integration/delivery pipelines for projects hosted on Bitbucket.

It’s still in the beta phase and requires a sign-up but nevertheless I’d like to demonstrate the current state of this service and how easy it is to add scripted pipelines to a project.


Mutation Testing with Pitest and Maven

Sunday, May 10th, 2015

Mutation testing makes an interesting addition to the classical test coverage metrics.

They seed mutations (errors) into the code, run the project’s tests afterwards and if the tests fail, the mutation is killed – otherwise it lived and we have a possible indication of an issue with our tests.

In the following short tutorial. I’d like to demonstrate how to setup mutation tests with the PIT/Pitest library and Maven and generate reports.


Allocating available random Ports in a Maven Build

Wednesday, May 7th, 2014

Recently in a project I encountered the following problem: The development team used Git with a branch-per-feature-like workflow and the integration server, Bamboo in this case, was configured not only to run the integration-tests for the master-branch but also for every change in a feature branch.

As the team  developed a Java EE web application ports like 8080 occasionally were already bound and builds failed.

I knew a plug-in for Jenkins CI I to search for available ports and assign them to a build variable but I wanted to control such information directly within the Maven build life-cycle so I searched and finally found Sonatype’s Port Allocator Plug-in for Maven.

In the following short example I’m going to demonstrate how to allocate available random ports in a Maven build and assign them to an embedded servlet container.

