Articles Tagged ‘closure’

Using Java Config-Builder to assemble your Application Configuration

Tuesday, May 20th, 2014

There’s a variety of configuration frameworks to use in our Java applications. Java Config Builder is one of them and it offers some nice features that I would like to demonstrate in the following short examples as are:

Loading values from different sources like property-files, environment variables, command-line-arguments or system properties, specifying default values, mapping arbitrary types or collections, merging configurations and using the Java Bean Validation standard aka JSR-303.


Playing with Java 8 Lambda Expressions

Sunday, September 22nd, 2013

Many articles have been written about JSR 335 aka Lambda Expressions for the JavaTM Programming Language but I like to try new things out for myself and that’s why I’d like to share my snippets here.


Aspects of Functional Programming in Java

Monday, July 16th, 2012

Functional programming is a trending topic these days and a lot of Java programmers are hot for the features that modern functional programming languages might offer.

Waiting for Java 8 and native closure support is a nice thing but for now we’re going to take a look at several Java frameworks that are trying to implement typical structures from those functional languages where possible using the capabilities of the Java language to emulate elements like higher-order-functions, closures, options and others …

