Articles Tagged ‘luke’

Lucene by Example: Specifying Analyzers on a per-field-basis and writing a custom Analyzer/Tokenizer

Sunday, July 6th, 2014

Lucene is my favourite search engine library and the more often I use it in my projects the more features or functionality I find that were unknown to me.

Two of those features I’d like to share in the following tutorial is one the one hand the possibility to specify different analyzers on a per-field basis and on the other hand the API to create a simple character based tokenizer and analyzer within a few steps.

Finally we’re going to create a small index- and search application to test both features in a real scenario.


Extending the Confluence Search Index

Sunday, May 23rd, 2010

Developing plugins for the Confluence Wiki a developer sometimes needs to save additional metadata to a page object using Bandana or the ContentPropertyManager. Wouldn’t it be nice if this metadata was available in the built-in Lucene index?

That is were the Confluence Extractor Module comes into play..

