Short Facts:

  • About 850 pages – heavy weight – use it for self defence! ;)

  • Preparation material for the Sun Exam 310-065 (Sun Certified Java Programmer for Java SE 6)

  • CD-Rom with a nice exam simulator included

  • Authors: Kathy Sierry and Bert Bates

  • ISBN: 978-0071591065

My two cents:
My favorite author team strikes back – this time with a book for the certification exam to become  a glorious “[Sun Certified Java Programmer]” for Java SE 6. I’ve read some other books from both authors before – especially from the “[Head First]” series from O’Reilly as they are “Head First Design Patterns”, “Head First Servlets and JSP” and last and least “Head First EJB”. Perhaps I am going to write a review for one of those, too – who knows..

Back to the SCJP book: In 851 pages the gentle reader is offered everything he needs no know for the exam – also the short summary, things-you-have-to-memorize-information and the question & answer self test at the end of every chapter do provide a good help.

Be aware: The code samples in the self test were made extra difficult – from using crazzyyy,brain-melting variable names to Geneva Convention disregarding use of indentation and parentheses – to toughen you up for the exam .. go Rambo go!

In addition to the book you will get a CD-ROM with a exam simulator (sadly the non-*nix/bsd-based operating system only). The simulator offers two modes – the real-exam-timeboxed-no-help-mode and the opposite mode ;)

There is only one thing that upset me a little bit: This book ist strictly focused on the exam – but sometimes you are eager to know more .. just a little more – on the other side .. hey .. the book already has 850 pages ;)

In conclusion I definitely would recommend this book for exam preparation and besides that it serves as an excellent foot rest! :)


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