Articles Tagged ‘Build’

Creating a Windows Executable from a Jar using Maven

Tuesday, August 7th, 2012

Often in the life of a developer there is the need to create a windows executable for a Java application that is build and packaged in a Jar file.

The following short example shows how to create an executable Jar first and a windows executable containing vendor information, a nice icon and other stuff afterwards by using a combination of the Maven Shade Plugin and the launch4j Plugin for Maven.


Integrating Groovy in your Maven builds using GMaven

Tuesday, July 12th, 2011

Often ant tasks are used in Maven builds but wouldn’t it be more attractive to integrate the Groovy language into our build process?

GMaven is the answers to this problem and brings together Maven and Groovy. It allows us to execute Groovy scripts inline from our Maven configuration, from a local script or even from a remote location. In the following short examples I am going to show how to configure Maven to execute Groovy scripts from different locations.


How to add a local lib directory to Maven

Thursday, March 18th, 2010
Sometimes there is a dependency not available at a remote repository and one is too lazy to set up a local maven repository – that’s when one adds a directory in the project structure and wants maven to find dependencies there. (more…)