Articles Tagged ‘cucumber’

Writing BDD-Style Webservice Tests with Karate and Java

Thursday, April 6th, 2017

There is a new testing framework out there called Karate that is build on top of the popular Cucumber framework.

Karate makes it easy to script interactions with out web-services under test and verify the results. In addition it offers us a lot of useful features like parallelization, script/feature re-use, data-tables, JsonPath and XPath support, gherkin syntax, switchable staging-configurations and many others.

In the following tutorial we’ll be writing different scenarios and features for a real-world RESTful web-service to demonstrate some of its features.


Marrying Java EE and BDD with Cucumber, Arquillian and Cukespace

Wednesday, January 7th, 2015

Having written about the basics of using Cucumber in a Java project in my last blog article, I now would like to demonstrate how to use a similar setup in a Java EE web project with Arquillian and the Cukespace library.

In the following tutorial, we’re going to write a full Java EE web application and add BDD-style tests to the project so that we’re able to test our business layer on the one hand and the user interface on the other hand using Arquillian Drone and Selenium.


BDD Testing with Cucumber, Java and JUnit

Sunday, December 28th, 2014

Whether behaviour-driven-development, specification by example or acceptance test driven development is the goal, the Cucumber framework eases our life when we need to  establish a link between the non-technical, textual description for a new feature and the tests that prove that the application fulfils these requirements.

In the following short tutorial I’d like to demonstrate how to add Cucumber to a Java project and how to write feature descriptions and test-cases for each step of these descriptions. (more…)
