Articles Tagged ‘IoC’

Dependency Injection for Go with facebookgo-inject

Wednesday, November 9th, 2016

Setting up a larger application using dependency injection always requires us developers to set up our application’s object graph.

Programming in Go there is a library that eases this task for us, offering a reflect based injector to set up the graph in a few steps, named facebookgo-inject.

In the following article I’d like to demonstrate dependency injection using this library for a small sample application.


Creating a sample Java EE 6 Blog Application with JPA, EJB, CDI, JSF and Primefaces on GlassFish

Tuesday, February 8th, 2011

Java EE 6 is out and it indeed offers an interesting stack of technologies. So in today’s tutorial we are going to build a small sample web application that builds on this stack using Enterprise JavaBeans, Java Persistence API, Bean Validation, CDI and finally Java Server Faces and PrimeFaces.

The application we’re going to develop is a simple blog app that allows us to create new articles, list them and – finally delete them. We’re also covering some additional topics like JSF navigation, i18n, Ajax-enabled components and the deployment on the GlassFish application server.

Spring 3, Maven and Annotation Based Configuration

Sunday, August 22nd, 2010

There is still the urban myth that using Spring IoC container without thousands lines of XML code isn’t possible – so today we’re taking a look at annotation based configuration with Spring 3 and of course we’re using Maven..

