Articles Tagged ‘netflix’

Resilient Architecture in Practice – Circuit Breakers for Java: Failsafe, Javaslang, Hystrix and Vert.x

Tuesday, February 14th, 2017

When dealing with remote services or APIs there is always the risk of latency issues, failures or connection losses. The worst thing to happen is when the remote service is down and our application hangs until the underlying protocol’s (e.g. TCP) connection timeout is reached and we’re receiving an exception. Until this moment is reached, our application might hang, memory is allocated for threads or bound objects and at last, our continuous requests might prevent the remote system from recovering.

We might use timeouts here but circuit-breakers take this approach one step further: A potential failing, critical or dangerous operation is encapsulated with a circuit breaker tracking failures and when a specified threshold is reached it tripping the breaker.  Now all calls to the API fail immediately and the  system does not even try to communicate with the failing remote system or the isolated API.
This avoids  flooding a  dead remote system with requests and allocating memory and system resources for waiting threads etc. and is also a good mechanism and  integration point to track business-critical errors.

In the following tutorial I’m going to demonstrate four different circuit-breaker implementations for Java forced to interact with a failing API.


Dynamic Configuration Management with Netflix Archaius and Apache ZooKeeper, Property-Files, JMX

Wednesday, April 13th, 2016

Though having written about other configuration management libraries for Java before, I would like to demonstrate another one today: Netflix Archaius.

Archaius offers some nice features like dynamic typed properties, thread-safe operations, an event system for property changes/updates, a JMX MBean to read and update properties and adaptors for a variety of dynamic configuration sources like Amazon DynamoDB, JDBC, URLs and Apache ZooKeeper.

In the following tutorial I’d like to demonstrate how to read and update application configuration properties with Archaius and data sources like property-files, system-properties, JMX and Apache ZooKeeper.


Creating REST Clients for JAX-RS based Webservices with Netflix Feign

Thursday, October 22nd, 2015

For us developers there plenty of libraries exist helping us in deriving and generating clients for existing RESTful web-services and I have already covered some of the in this blog (e.g. the JAX-RS Client API). Nevertheless, I’d like to share my experience with another interesting lightweight library here: Netflix Feign.

Feign offers a nice fluent-builder API, a rich integration for  common libraries and APIs like JAX-RS, Jackson, GSON, SAX, JAX-B, OkHttp, Ribbon, Hystrix, SLF4J and more and last bot not least, it is setup easy and the service contracts are specified using interfaces and annotations.

In the following tutorial I’d like to demonstrate how to derive a service binding from a simple, JAX-RS based RESTful web-service, how to create the service adapter using the integrated builder and at last, performing CRUD operations.

