Logback and Spring Boot - Change Log Level to custom format

Create a custom converter This class converts the well known log levels to a custom format CustomLogLevelConverter.java package com.hascode; public class CustomLogLevelConverter extends ClassicConverter { @Override public String convert(ILoggingEvent event) { switch (event.getLevel().toInt()) { case Level.ERROR_INT: return "ERROR!!!"; case Level.WARN_INT: return "WARN!!"; case Level.INFO_INT: return "INFO!"; case Level.TRACE_INT: return "DEBUG"; default: return event.getLevel().toString(); } } } Register the converter The following Logback config includes some defaults and registers our custom converter. ...

August 19, 2021 · 1 min · 165 words · Micha Kops

Java Persistence API: Controlling the Second-Level-Cache

Using the Java Persistence API and a decent persistence provider allows us to configure and fine-tune when and how the second level cache is used in our application. In the following short examples, we’re going to demonstrate those features written as JUnit test cases and running on a H2 in-memory database. Figure 1. Persistence Unit Configuration Setup First of all we need some basic setup to run the following examples .. we need to select a JPA persistence provider and database, create a persistence-unit configuration and an environment to run tests on an in-memory database. ...

April 21, 2014 · 7 min · 1417 words · Micha Kops