Forwardings Requests to static content in Spring Boot Webflux

The following WebFilter redirects incoming requests for / to a static HTML file, index.html. package com.hascode.tutorial; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import org.springframework.web.server.ServerWebExchange; import org.springframework.web.server.WebFilter; import org.springframework.web.server.WebFilterChain; import reactor.core.publisher.Mono; @Component public class ToIndexPageRedirection implements WebFilter { @Override public Mono<Void> filter(ServerWebExchange exchange, WebFilterChain chain) { if (exchange.getRequest().getURI().getPath().equals("/")) { return chain.filter( exchange.mutate().request( exchange.getRequest().mutate().path("/index.html").build() ).build() ); } return chain.filter(exchange); } } Ressources: JavaDocs WebFilter

August 16, 2022 · 1 min · 59 words · Micha Kops

Implementing Reactive Client-Server Communication over TCP or Websockets with RSocket and Java

Reactive design or reactive architecture has an impact on how modern software systems are implemented. RSocket is a project that aims to adapt the benefits of the patterns described in the Reactive Manifesto and resulting tools like Reactive Streams or Reactive Extensions to a formal new communication protocol. RSocket works with TCP, WebSockets and Aeron transport layers and offers additional features like session resumption. In the following tutorial I’m going to demonstrate how to implement simple client-server communication over TCP and Websockets for different interaction models like request-response, request-stream, fire-and-forget and event subscription. ...

November 25, 2018 · 8 min · 1558 words · Micha Kops

Reactive Streams – Java 9 Flow API, RxJava, Akka and Reactor Examples

Reactive Streams is an initiative trying to standardize asynchronous stream processing with non-blocking back-pressure. With Java 9, new classes in the java.util.concurrent.flow package offer a semantically equivalent counterpart to this standard that may be adopted by other frameworks. In the following short tutorial we’re implementing examples for reactive streams with Java 9 and the Flow API, with RxJava2, with Akka, with Reactor and finally there is an example in RxJava1, too though it does not follow the standard. ...

January 14, 2018 · 8 min · 1550 words · Micha Kops

Resilient Architecture in Practice – Circuit Breakers for Java: Failsafe, Javaslang, Hystrix and Vert.x

When dealing with remote services or APIs there is always the risk of latency issues, failures or connection losses. The worst thing to happen is when the remote service is down and our application hangs until the underlying protocol’s (e.g. TCP) connection timeout is reached and we’re receiving an exception. Until this moment is reached, our application might hang, memory is allocated for threads or bound objects and at last, our continuous requests might prevent the remote system from recovering. ...

February 14, 2017 · 15 min · 3109 words · Micha Kops

Dynamic Configuration Management with Netflix Archaius and Apache ZooKeeper, Property-Files, JMX

Though having written about other configuration management libraries for Java before, I would like to demonstrate another one today: Netflix Archaius. Archaius offers some nice features like dynamic typed properties, thread-safe operations, an event system for property changes/updates, a JMX MBean to read and update properties and adaptors for a variety of dynamic configuration sources like Amazon DynamoDB, JDBC, URLs and Apache ZooKeeper. In the following tutorial I’d like to demonstrate how to read and update application configuration properties with Archaius and data sources like property-files, system-properties, JMX and Apache ZooKeeper. ...

April 13, 2016 · 4 min · 713 words · Micha Kops

Reactive Programming: Handling Service Timeouts and Retries with Retry4j

The Reactive Manifesto specifies responsive, resilient, elastic and message-driven as attributes for a reactive application. When implementing specific mechanisms to achieve this requirements, we often need to deal with timeout and retry-operations in our application and depending on our setup and environment, different tools and libraries exist to help us here. In the following short tutorial I’d like to demonstrate how to handle exceptions and operation retries on service boundaries with a lesser know, slim library named Retry4j. ...

December 2, 2015 · 3 min · 529 words · Micha Kops