Articles Tagged ‘gui’

Layout Testing with Galen, JUnit and Maven

Monday, May 16th, 2016

Writing tests not only to verify the behaviour of a web site but also the correctness of its layout especially for responsive websites is not always easy.

Luckily the Galen Framework eases the task of writing layout tests for us, offering a specialized domain-specific-language to write layout-specifications, it integrates well with Selenium Grid, Sauce Labs or BrowserStack, it offers an easy way to deal with different browser sizes and responsive designs and it generates nice, detailed test reports.

In the following tutorial I’m going to implement a JUnit test for the layout of a blog article of mine to demonstrate Galen’s basic features and the integration of it with JUnit and the Maven build tool.


Creating and Packaging a Game in Java FX 2.2

Sunday, June 23rd, 2013

It’s been a long way for Java FX from the days of the F3 project the current release 2.2. Today there are many options how to create a Java FX application .. you may be using Java, Scala, Groovy or Visage, you may create your application in a programmatic way using the comfortable integrated builders or you may create your views using XML layouts and easy data-bindings with a few annotations.

If you need to bind your UI component properties to a specific application state, there’s a nice properties- and bindings API that makes your life easier.

In the following tutorial, I’m going to create a simple game application – one version using FXML templates, model- and controller classes and using external stylesheets – the other version as a programmatic version in one java class.

Finally I’m showing how easy it is to create a shippable application either as runnable jar or as Java Web Start/JNLP application by using Gradle and the Java FX Plugin for Gradle.


Creating Rich Clients with Apache Pivot

Sunday, May 19th, 2013

Apache Pivot is a modern framework to create rich clients as desktop applications or to run in a web browser.

It offers nice GUI elements, supports XML/WTKX templates, data bindings, JVM scripting languages and much more.

In the following short examples I’m going to create a desktop application to open a file browser, select a file and output the selected file’s name, first using a programmatic approach to create the user interface, and afterwards using XML/WTKX templates.


Using PrimeFaces to pimp up existing Java Server Faces / JSF 2 Applications

Sunday, November 14th, 2010

In this tutorial we’re going to modify an existing Java Server Faces / JSF 2 web application by adding rich UI components to the existing layout.

Our tool of choice here is the PrimeFaces framework. It offers a wide range of interesting, customizable and (several) Ajax-enabled components that blend very well with JSF1+2  and also a solid documentation that allows a quick integration into existing projects.

How to create an Android App using Google’s App Inventor

Wednesday, August 4th, 2010

Today we’re going to take a look at Google’s App Inventor feature that offers programming-novices a nice possibility to enter the fabulous world of Android App programming without deeper knowledge of the API or complex SDK installations.

So lets build some stuff ..

