Articles Tagged ‘hibernate’
Monday, April 21st, 2014
Using the Java Persistence API and a decent persistence provider allows us to configure and fine-tune when and how the second level cache is used in our application.
In the following short examples, we’re going to demonstrate those features written as JUnit test cases and running on a H2 in-memory database.
Tags: 2nd-level, cache, database, eclipselink, hibernate, jpa, level, persistence
Posted in Java | 2 Comments »
Thursday, February 13th, 2014
Querydsl is a framework that allows us to create elegant, type-safe queries for a variety of different data-sources like Java Persistence API (JPA) entities, Java Data Objects (JDO), mongoDB with Morphia, SQL, Hibernate Search up to Lucene.
In the following tutorial we’re implementing example queries for different environments – Java Persistence API compared with a JPQL and a criteria API query, mongoDB with Morphia and last but not least for Lucene.
Tags: builder, database, eclipselink, fluent api, hibernate, hibernate search, jdo, jpa, lucene, mongodb, morphia, persistence, querydsl, sql
Posted in Java | No Comments »
Monday, February 25th, 2013
The ability to attach lifecycle events to an entity using simple annotations sometimes is a neat feature in the Java Persistence API.
The following short snippets demonstrate how to bind and trigger the different available lifecycle events using an embedded derby database and a bunch of annotations.
Tags: entitylistener, entitymanager, hibernate, java persistence api, jpa, orm, persistence
Posted in Development, Java, testing | No Comments »
Monday, March 26th, 2012
In today’s tutorial we’re exploring the world of faceted searches like the one we’re used to see when we’re searching for an item on or other websites. We’re using Hibernate Search here that offers an API to perform discrete as well as range faceted searches on our persisted data.
Tags: discrete, entity, example, facet, hibernate, jboss, jpa, lucene, persistence, range, search, tutorial
Posted in Java | 2 Comments »
Sunday, February 5th, 2012
Often we’re writing an application that has to handle entities that – on the one side need to be persisted in a relational database using standards like the Java Persistence API (JPA) and using frameworks like Hibernate ORM or EclipseLink.
On the other side those entities and their fields are often stored in a highspeed indexer like Lucene. From this situation arises a bunch of common problems .. to synchronize both data sources, to handle special data mapped in an entity like an office document and so on..
Hibernate Search makes this all a lot easier for us as we’re hopefully going to see in the following short tutorial…
Tags: annotation, hibernate, index, jpa, lucene, orm, persistence, query, term
Posted in Java | 4 Comments »
Tuesday, February 8th, 2011
Java EE 6 is out and it indeed offers an interesting stack of technologies. So in today’s tutorial we are going to build a small sample web application that builds on this stack using Enterprise JavaBeans, Java Persistence API, Bean Validation, CDI and finally Java Server Faces and PrimeFaces.
The application we’re going to develop is a simple blog app that allows us to create new articles, list them and – finally delete them. We’re also covering some additional topics like JSF navigation, i18n, Ajax-enabled components and the deployment on the GlassFish application server.
Tags: bean, bean validation, cdi, eclipselink, ejb, example, glassfish, hibernate, IoC, java ee, javaee, jee, jndi, jsf, jsr-303, jsr-316, jsr-317, jsr-318, maven, mojarra, primefaces, toplink, tutorial, validator, weld
Posted in Java | 85 Comments »
Monday, October 11th, 2010
Today we’re going to take a look at the world of object-relational Mapping and how it is done using the Java Persistence API by creating some basic examples, mapping some relations and querying objects using JPQL or the Criteria API..
Tags: annotation, criteria api, eclipselink, example, hibernate, javadb, jee, jpa, jpa2, jpql, jsr-317, junit, mercurial, orm, persistence, toplink, tutorial
Posted in Java | 1 Comment »
Saturday, June 5th, 2010
In this short tutorial we are going to build a Java Server Faces Web-Application using JSF2.0, Facelets, Maven and Hibernate as ORM Mapper.
The goals for this first step are: Setting up the project structure using Maven, defining a frame template/decorator and a registration facelet, creating a managed bean and mapping it’s values to the facelet, adding some basic validation, displaying validation errors and finally adding a navigation structure.
In step2 of this tutorial we are going to add persistence using Hibernate, add some security, create a custom UI component and add some AJAX.
The Mojarra JSF implementation is used for this tutorial – perhaps I’m going to post more about the MyFaces implementation in another tutorial.
Tags: eclipse, example, facelet, glassfish, hibernate, java server faces, jee, jsf, jsf 2, jsf2, maven, mojarra, mvc, servlet, tomcat, tutorial
Posted in Development, Java | 6 Comments »
Tuesday, April 6th, 2010
They built a nice new feature in Grails 1.2 called “named queries“. Named queries can be defined in a domain class as static properties and support the criteria builder syntax. (more…)
Tags: criteria builder, gorm, grails, groovy, hibernate, named queries, persistence
Posted in Development, Groovy/Grails | 2 Comments »