Articles Tagged ‘logging’

Analyzing Java Problems – Tools, Snippets and Workflows

Monday, April 30th, 2018

When we need to investigate the cause for a dysfunctional Java application we have a plethora of tools available that on the one hand help us in gathering information, artifacts and statistics and on the other hand help us in processing this information and identifying possible problems.

The following list of tools, snippets, workflows and information about specific artifacts could provide a starting point for analyzing such problems and covers topics like heap-dumps, thread-dumps, heap-histograms, heap-regions, garbage-collection-logs, hotspot-compiler/codecache-logs, debugging native-memory, tools for heap-dump-analysis, JVM unified logging and more..


Java EE: Logging User Interaction the Aspect-Oriented Way using Interceptors

Monday, May 26th, 2014

Using dependency injection and aspect-oriented mechanisms like interceptors allow us to separate cross-cutting-concerns in our Java enterprise application, to control global aspects of our application and to avoid boilerplate code.

In the following short tutorial we’re going to create an aspect-oriented logger to protocol the initiating user, class and method called and the parameters passed to the method and finally we’re adding this interceptor to a sample RESTful web-service by adding a simple annotation.


First steps on Android: Creating a simple Todo App

Monday, April 26th, 2010

In this tutorial we are going to build a simple todo app that is able to store simple todos in a database. The user is able to add new todos or delete old ones by clicking on a todo. For this tutorial we won’t use maven to keep it simple – if maven integration is desired – take a look at this tutorial. (more…)
