Articles for July, 2016

Object Graph Mapping by Example with Neo4j OGM and Java

Monday, July 18th, 2016

When integrating a Neo4j database into a Java application a developer often needs to map nodes and edges of the graph to corresponding Java classes of the domain model.

Neo4j OGM eases this work and allows us to map our domain objects to the graph database using simple annotations – similar to the Java Persistence API (JPA) for relational database management systems.

In the following tutorial I’d like to demonstrate how to use Neo4j OGM to build a simple train timetable planner and a permission system mapping between graph, nodes, edges and POJOs.


LDAP Testing with Java: ApacheDS vs Embedded-LDAP-JUnit

Monday, July 4th, 2016

When writing applications that interchange information with LDAP directory services there is always the need to write integration tests for these components and services.

Therefore we need a the possibility to start-up an embedded LDAP server, fill it with test-data and control its life-cycle during the test-phases.

In the following tutorial I’d like to demonstrate two candidates that fulfil this purpose, the ApacheDS test integrations and a small library named embedded-ldap-junit.


Continuous Delivery with Bitbucket Cloud and Bitbucket Pipelines

Friday, July 1st, 2016

Atlassian has added a continuous integration service as a new feature to their Bitbucket Cloud product. It’s called Bitbucket Pipelines and it is similar to Travis CI for GitHub offering a nice integration for continuous integration/delivery pipelines for projects hosted on Bitbucket.

It’s still in the beta phase and requires a sign-up but nevertheless I’d like to demonstrate the current state of this service and how easy it is to add scripted pipelines to a project.

