Articles for May, 2013

Continuous Deployment using GlassFish, Jenkins, Maven and Git

Wednesday, May 29th, 2013

Recently I needed a quick solution to deploy a Java EE 6 web application on a GlassFish instance automatically and subsequent to a successful build of the project on the integration server.

It took only a few steps using Jenkins, Maven and the Cargo plugin and I’d like to share this quick solution with you here.


Creating Rich Clients with Apache Pivot

Sunday, May 19th, 2013

Apache Pivot is a modern framework to create rich clients as desktop applications or to run in a web browser.

It offers nice GUI elements, supports XML/WTKX templates, data bindings, JVM scripting languages and much more.

In the following short examples I’m going to create a desktop application to open a file browser, select a file and output the selected file’s name, first using a programmatic approach to create the user interface, and afterwards using XML/WTKX templates.

