Articles for January, 2012

Neo4j Graph Database Tutorial: How to build a Route Planner and other Examples

Friday, January 20th, 2012

Often in the life of developer’s life there is a scenario where using a relational database tends to get complicated or sometimes even slow – especially when there are fragments with multiple relationships or multiple connections present. This often leads to complex database queries or desperate software engineers trying to handle those problems with their ORM framework.

A possible solution might be to switch from a relational database to a graph database – and – neo4j is our tool of choice here. In the following tutorial we’re going to implement several examples to demonstrate the strengths of a graph database .. from a route planner to a social graph.


Create Mobile Websites using Java Server Faces and PrimeFaces Mobile

Sunday, January 8th, 2012

The more smartphones and tablets are sold the bigger the need for a mobile version of a modern website. PrimeFaces Mobile helps us developers here  and allows us to quickly create mobile websites that display well on an iPhone, Android, Palm, Blackberry, Windows Mobile and others.

In the following tutorial we’re going to create a web application that is using Java Server Faces 2.1, PrimeFaces 3.1 and PrimeFaces Mobile 1.0 and runs on a simple web container like Tomcat or Jetty.

