Articles for the ‘Javascript’ Category

Creating and Providing HipChat Integrations with Atlassian Connect, Nodejs and Express

Tuesday, August 18th, 2015

HipChat is Atlassian’s alternative to Slack and its solution to team collaboration chats. Atlassian Connect offers developer tools to bootstrap applications, connect to Atlassian’s cloud products with easy and in combination with HipChat’s REST APIs allows us to write integrations for such a chat server in no time.

In the following tutorial I’d like to show how to write an integration within a few steps using Atlassian Connect, Node.js and Express and how to connect the integration to a HipChat server.

Finally on the one hand I’m going to explain how to speed up local development with ngrok, an in-memory database and nodemon for automatic application restarts and on the other hand I’m going to demonstrate how to configure the application for production, running with a Redis key-value store on Heroku.


Running JavaScript Tests with Maven, Jasmine and PhantomJS

Sunday, May 4th, 2014

Sometimes in a project there is the need to run tests for your client-side code, written in JavaScript from a Maven build.
One reason might be that Maven manages a complex build life-cycle in your project and you need a close integration for your JavaScript tests, another one might be that you’re in an environment where it is complicated to install and manage additional software like an integration- or build-server.


HTML5 Server Send Events using Node.js or Jetty

Sunday, October 21st, 2012

The HTML5 working draft describes different techniques to push information from a server to the client and the one described in this tutorial are Server-Send Events (SSE).

Using Server-Send-Events eliminates the need to poll a server periodically for information using AJAX and is really easy to implement because of the simple specification and the fact that nearly all modern browsers already implement this specification.


Video Manipulation using HTML 5 and Javascript

Sunday, August 5th, 2012

Some funny stuff can be done using HTML 5, canvas elements and the video events API.

In the following example we’re using these techniques to apply graphic effects to a video embedded in a HTML page..

