Articles for November, 2010

Creating a REST Client Step-by-Step using JAX-RS, JAX-B and Jersey

Thursday, November 25th, 2010

Often in a developer’s life there is a REST service to deal with and nowadays one wants a fast and clean solution to create a client for such a service.

The following tutorial shows a quick approach using JAX-RS with its reference implementation, Jersey in combination with JAX-B for annotation driven marshalling between XML or JSON structures and our Java-Beans.


Using PrimeFaces to pimp up existing Java Server Faces / JSF 2 Applications

Sunday, November 14th, 2010

In this tutorial we’re going to modify an existing Java Server Faces / JSF 2 web application by adding rich UI components to the existing layout.

Our tool of choice here is the PrimeFaces framework. It offers a wide range of interesting, customizable and (several) Ajax-enabled components that blend very well with JSF1+2  and also a solid documentation that allows a quick integration into existing projects.
