Articles for October, 2010

How to create a Confluence SOAP Component in 5 Minutes

Sunday, October 24th, 2010

You’re using the popular Confluence wiki? You’re using its RPC/SOAP API and missing a function you really need? Just extend the  capabilities of the Confluence RPC API by programming a custom web service component – it is really easy and also well documented.

In this tutorial we’re going to take a look on how to quickly implement a SOAP service, securing it and putting its methods in a transactional context.


Object-relational Mapping using Java Persistence API / JPA 2

Monday, October 11th, 2010

Today we’re going to take a look at the world of object-relational Mapping and how it is done using the Java Persistence API by creating some basic examples, mapping some relations and querying objects using JPQL or the Criteria API..

