Distributed Authorization and Contextual Caveats for Java with Macaroons and jmacaroons

May 31st, 2017 by

Google’s Macaroons are a mechanism to establish distributed authorization. The distinction to the classical bearer-token is their ability that they may be used to perform an action under certain restrictions and may then be used to create a new macaroon with stricter restrictions.

The following short tutorial demonstrates how to create macaroons, serialize and deserialize them, add first- and third-party caveats and finally to verify them.

jmacaroons example

jmacaroons example



At the moment of writing, the current stable version is 0.3.1 but I am using the latest snapshot-version because of a typo in the stable version’s API.


Basic Example

In our first example, we’re creating basic macaroons.

  • We’re creating a new macaroon using the MacaroonBuilder
  • We’re serializing the macaroon using its serialize method, this serialized code may be passed around and is URL-safe (Base64)
  • We may deserialize the macaroon afterwards using its deserialize method
  • Finally we may verify our macaroon using the MacaroonsVerifier
package com.hascode.tutorial.example1;
import com.github.nitram509.jmacaroons.Macaroon;
import com.github.nitram509.jmacaroons.MacaroonsBuilder;
import com.github.nitram509.jmacaroons.MacaroonsVerifier;
import com.github.nitram509.jmacaroons.verifier.TimestampCaveatVerifier;
public class BaseMacaroonExample {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    String location = "http://hascode";
    String secretKey = "thisisaverysecretsecretsecretkeythisisaverysecretsecretsecretkey";
    String identifier = "hascode-authentication";
    // create macaroon
    Macaroon macaroon = MacaroonsBuilder.create(location, secretKey, identifier);
    String serialized = macaroon.serialize();
    // deserialize macaroon
    Macaroon deserialize = MacaroonsBuilder.deserialize(serialized);
    // verify macaroon
    MacaroonsVerifier verifier = new MacaroonsVerifier(macaroon);
    System.out.printf("macaroon with id '%s' is valid: %s\n", macaroon.identifier,
  private static void printInfo(Macaroon macaroon) {
    System.out.printf("-- Human readable:\n%s\n", macaroon.inspect());
    System.out.printf("-- Serialized (Base64 URL safe):\n%s\n", macaroon.serialize());

We may now run our example in our IDE of choice or using the command-line like this:

$ mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=com.hascode.tutorial.example1.BaseMacaroonExample
-- Human readable:
location http://hascode
identifier hascode-authentication
signature a0865dc7c5efdb384b3eaa1d6c08d54ba681ef3ae6182a493e315310224d9b03
-- Serialized (Base64 URL safe):
-- Human readable:
location http://hascode
identifier hascode-authentication
signature a0865dc7c5efdb384b3eaa1d6c08d54ba681ef3ae6182a493e315310224d9b03
-- Serialized (Base64 URL safe):
macaroon with id 'hascode-authentication' is valid: true

Adding First Party Caveats

In the following example, we’re adding a first-party caveat to a macaroon and we’re verifying it afterwards using the verifier’s satisfyExact method.

package com.hascode.tutorial.example1;
import com.github.nitram509.jmacaroons.Macaroon;
import com.github.nitram509.jmacaroons.MacaroonsBuilder;
import com.github.nitram509.jmacaroons.MacaroonsVerifier;
import com.github.nitram509.jmacaroons.verifier.TimestampCaveatVerifier;
public class MacaroonWithCaveatExample {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    String location = "http://some.hascode/";
    String secretKey = "thisisaverysecretsecretsecretkeyxoxoxoxo";
    String identifier = "hascode-someservice";
    // create macaroon
    Macaroon macaroon = MacaroonsBuilder.create(location, secretKey, identifier);
    // add caveat
    Macaroon withCaveat = MacaroonsBuilder.modify(macaroon)
        .add_first_party_caveat("userid = 123456").getMacaroon();
    // verify with caveat
    MacaroonsVerifier verifier = new MacaroonsVerifier(withCaveat);
    verifier.satisfyExact("userid = 666"); // invalid
    System.out.printf("macaroon with id '%s' is valid: %s\n", withCaveat.identifier,
    verifier.satisfyExact("userid = 123456"); // valid
    System.out.printf("macaroon with id '%s' is valid: %s\n", withCaveat.identifier,
  private static void printInfo(Macaroon macaroon) {
    System.out.printf("-- Human readable:\n%s\n", macaroon.inspect());
    System.out.printf("-- Serialized (Base64 URL safe):\n%s\n", macaroon.serialize());

We may now run our example in our IDE of choice or using the command-line like this:

mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=com.hascode.tutorial.example1.MacaroonWithCaveatExample
-- Human readable:
location http://some.hascode/
identifier hascode-someservice
signature 311d96975d4bcce7c47e0947b8ee62e1343071edceee94a528a799c129dd1a62
-- Serialized (Base64 URL safe):
-- Human readable:
location http://some.hascode/
identifier hascode-someservice
cid userid = 123456
signature 02f6cad47dfd02d25639f38563a83b996440bc11fc099423750a282c28402688
-- Serialized (Base64 URL safe):
macaroon with id 'hascode-someservice' is valid: false
macaroon with id 'hascode-someservice' is valid: true

Third-party Caveats

In our last example for now we’re adding some third-party caveats to our macaroon.

After the usual procedure, a discharge macaroon is used to verify the macaroon.

package com.hascode.tutorial.example1;
import com.github.nitram509.jmacaroons.Macaroon;
import com.github.nitram509.jmacaroons.MacaroonsBuilder;
import com.github.nitram509.jmacaroons.MacaroonsVerifier;
import com.github.nitram509.jmacaroons.verifier.TimestampCaveatVerifier;
public class ThirdPartyCaveatExample {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    String baseLocation = "http://hascode/";
    String baseSecret = "sooooooosecretanddefinitelynotlongenough";
    String baseIdentifier = "hascode-base";
    Macaroon base = new MacaroonsBuilder(baseLocation, baseSecret, baseIdentifier)
    printInfo("base macaroon", base);
    String thirdPartyLocation = "http://auth.mybank/";
    String thirdPartySecret = "theroflcopterhaslanded";
    String thirdPartyIdentifier = "hascode-3rd-party";
    Macaroon withThirdPartyCaveat = new MacaroonsBuilder(base)
        .add_third_party_caveat(thirdPartyLocation, thirdPartySecret, thirdPartyIdentifier)
    printInfo("with banking caveat", withThirdPartyCaveat);
    Macaroon discharge = new MacaroonsBuilder(thirdPartyLocation, thirdPartySecret,
        .add_first_party_caveat("time < 2025-01-01T00:00")
    printInfo("discharge", discharge);
    Macaroon thirdPartyDischarged = MacaroonsBuilder.modify(withThirdPartyCaveat)
    printInfo("3rd-p-discharge", thirdPartyDischarged);
    boolean valid = new MacaroonsVerifier(withThirdPartyCaveat)
        .satisfyGeneral(new TimestampCaveatVerifier())
    System.out.printf("macaroon is valid: %s", valid);
  private static void printInfo(String hint, Macaroon macaroon) {
    System.out.printf("-- %s:\n", hint.toUpperCase());
    System.out.printf("-- Human readable:\n%s\n", macaroon.inspect());
    System.out.printf("-- Serialized (Base64 URL safe):\n%s\n", macaroon.serialize());

We may now run our example in our IDE of choice or using the command-line like this:

mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=com.hascode.tutorial.example1.ThirdPartyCaveatExample
-- Human readable:
location http://hascode/
identifier hascode-base
signature d99ff9a7aaedb434bdbf0398b95733a515973bf5cadfadd554ce91fb2eaa110c
-- Serialized (Base64 URL safe):
-- Human readable:
location http://hascode/
identifier hascode-base
cid hascode-3rd-party
vid TUFMgJ1QuPPfhDLq0ki4qR-sZkulYot-lA-gmivU4F87bmc5mfs95u23a0n0EPw6clckW-XqMYaMjjeyWzA8K8f_47vVia8m
cl http://auth.mybank/
signature dacae2a5fd1e28242d6ae9c6af2742a031e9813d3c118b290e470bef00838c5f
-- Serialized (Base64 URL safe):
-- Human readable:
location http://auth.mybank/
identifier hascode-3rd-party
cid time < 2025-01-01T00:00
signature 423f887691eedf001da23a284e1e0427d43965d57d7f5426a236f36f4b4e0b82
-- Serialized (Base64 URL safe):
-- Human readable:
location http://auth.mybank/
identifier hascode-3rd-party
cid time < 2025-01-01T00:00
signature 79447d71ce7d87775a771a52e0e3e081f17c05c57a651dc209a8d22e0de34c33
-- Serialized (Base64 URL safe):
macaroon is valid: true

Tutorial Sources

Please feel free to download the tutorial sources from my Bitbucket repository, fork it there or clone it using Git:

git clone https://bitbucket.org/hascode/jmacaroons-tutorial.git


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