Dependency management in Grails 1.2
March 23rd, 2010 by Micha KopsSometimes I get the impression that there are many Maven haters in the Groovy/Grails community – now with version 1.2 of the Grails framework they are able to abandon the evil satanic Grails Maven Plugin and embrace the neverending joys of a slim, nice, sexy dependency resolution dsl .. here we go .. lets define some dependencies wheee …
- Our dependency configuration is defined in grails-app/config/BuildConfig.groovy as a property named grails.project.dependency.resolution:
grails.project.dependency.resolution = { // here will be some dependencies }
- The default config look like this:
grails.project.dependency.resolution = { inherits "global" // inherit Grails' default dependencies log "warn" // log level of Ivy resolver, either 'error', 'warn', 'info', 'debug' or 'verbose' repositories { grailsHome() // uncomment the below to enable remote dependency resolution // from public Maven repositories //mavenCentral() //mavenRepo "" //mavenRepo "" //mavenRepo "" //mavenRepo " } dependencies { // specify dependencies here under either 'build', 'compile', 'runtime', 'test' or 'provided' scopes eg. // runtime 'com.mysql:mysql-connector-java:5.1.5' } }
- There are currently five scopes supported: build, compile, runtime, test, provided
- If we want to add a dependency for a scope we can do this using the format <scope> <group>:<name>:<version> e.g.:
compile 'com.mysql:mysql-connector-java:5.1.5'
- Adding other maven repositories is also possible e.g. for our internal maven repo:
repositories { mavenRepo "" }
- Often we have some additional linked lib folder we want to add to the repo list:
repositories { flatDir name:'localRepo', dirs:'/var/somerepo' }
- That’s not all folk! Authentication is another feature that can be configured using the shiny new dsl (example from the Grails docs):
credentials { realm = ".." host = "localhost" username = "myuser" password = "mypass" }
- Furthermore dependencies are inherited (done by inherit:global), we may define some exclusions here like that:
inherits("global") { excludes "oscache", "ehcache" }
- Another Feature is the dependency report command – after execution we get some dependency reports in our target/dependency-report directory:
grails dependency-report
Grails Reference Docs:
Famous Graeme Rocher: “Grails dependancy resolution done right”
Grails Dependency Report Feature:
sounds nice, nuff’ said :)
Tags: Apache, Build cycle, dependency, deployment, grails, groovy, ivy, maven
April 8th, 2010 at 3:19 pm